Friday, December 29, 2023

Mobile Addiction in Kids.

Children with Mobile Addiction


Modern technology is becoming critical in various fields in recent times. Due to the rapid development of new inventions, the way the mobile phone came into our lives has affected society badly.

It is not only that the young generation is affected by the harms of mobile phones, but our future generation is also not spared because of the use of mobile phones among children, which is increasing instead of decreasing.

In this regard, American experts David Carpenter and Dr. Herberman have said in their research that the risk of cancer increases significantly in children who use mobile phones, in addition to the high use of smartphones, the mental health of children is also affected. 

According to some research reports on children's excessive time playing games, there is concern that children who play video games excessively may suffer from gaming disorder or gaming addiction.

What is Gaming Disorder?

According to the World Health Organization, gaming disorder is a mental illness, it refers to the influence of gaming, online or offline, on a child's behavior to such an extent that they cannot maintain a balance between playing games and other areas of life.

A sign of this is that the child cannot quit the games despite facing negative consequences and getting into trouble.

However, children's behavior needs to be closely watched, and in this regard, children's behavior and daily lives should be observed.

Cancer risk

According to research by the Royal Society of London, children who began using cell phones before the age of 20 had a five times higher chance of developing brain cancer by the time they were 29 years old than children who did not. did not grow up with a cell phone.

In the opinion of experts, violent games are more detrimental than workout games. Exercise and sports are vital for maintaining one's health, while most sedentary games—including video games—are thought to cause weight gain and other health problems.


Instructing parents, experts say that children should be kept away from it, however, children can use mobile phones in times of emergency or extreme need. Also, their physical exercise should be organized and encouraged so that children can be protected from physical laziness and obesity.

In addition, if children want to play these video games on mobile phones, in such a case, they should be allowed to play the installed games avoid using their existing phones, and, if necessary, turn off SIMS.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Depression in children.

Depression in children

Nowadays obesity is increasing rapidly in children which is not good for their future as such children may suffer from depression in the future.

Today's generation is more fond of junk and fast food than normal or country food. This food is delicious in taste but in terms of medicinal properties, it is sometimes very dangerous. This is the reason why the trend of cheating is growing among children nowadays, but it is not good for their future.

In this regard, a new study conducted at King's College London has concluded that children whose body mass index (BMI) is not consistent with their age and are high are more likely to develop depression in the future. As the risks of contracting infectious diseases increase.

For the study, researchers analyzed data from more than 10,000 twins from the Twins Early Development Study and the UK Adult Twin Registry, and looked at the relationship between BMI and depression at ages 12, 16 and 21. Tried to know the relationship.

The study found that being overweight in children between the ages of 12 and 16 can have an impact on their mood, with other symptoms including sadness and disgust, which are more likely to develop into depression later on. .

According to the researchers, the study found that children between the ages of 12 and 16 who had a higher BMI had a higher risk of developing depression than children between the ages of 16 and 21.

If you want to reduce cholesterol, eat these 7 fruits

Dr Ellen Thompson, lead author of the study, said there was a clear link between a higher BMI at age 12 and depressive symptoms at age 16.

Mother tongue Before Birth.

Learning language or mother tongue.


Babies learn language incredibly quickly during their first year of life, but it has largely been a mystery how the brain primes them before birth to learn a particular language or mother tongue.

Babies learn a lot from their mothers before they are born, but according to a new study, they can also learn their own body language from their mother when she is having a conversation.

Infants respond in different ways when they hear their native language, suggesting that hearing language in utero before birth may aid language learning.

A new study involving experiments with newborns found that they are already familiar with their mother tongue, suggesting that language learning begins before birth.

According to a new study published in Science Advances, the brain waves of newborns resemble the language they often encounter in the womb.

These findings provide the most compelling evidence to date that language experience shapes the functional organization of the infant's brain before birth, between 1 and 5 months of gestation.

Between five and seven months of pregnancy, the baby fetus begins to hear sounds outside the womb, so within days of birth, infants prefer their mother's voice and native language.

Babies can also recognize rhythms and melodies heard in utero, and prenatal exposure to music can help them develop musical abilities.

For a child, the first year after birth is critical for language development, which is why by the first birthday, children are proficient in understanding their mother tongue.

According to Professor Judith Gervin, newborn babies can recognize their mother's voice and prefer it to the voices of other women, and they can also recognize the language their mother spoke during pregnancy.

To confirm this, Gervain and his colleagues conducted further research in which they studied the brain activity of 49 children with French-speaking mothers, ranging in age from one day to five days.

Each newborn was fitted with a small cap with 10 electrodes placed near the areas of the brain that could perceive any speech.

The team then played a recording that began with a 3-minute silence followed by 7-minute excerpts from the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears in English, French, and Spanish in varying order.

When the children listened to the French audio, the team noted an increase in brain signals associated with long-term speech and language learning, a signal linked to speech perception and processing, which decreased when the children listened to other languages. were


The researchers concluded from this study that babies are not only familiar with the mother's voice before birth, but they are also familiar with their mother tongue which is heard by the mothers during pregnancy.

Lack Of Sleep In Kids.