Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Loaded School Bags.

Loaded School Bags


Children go to school carrying bags much heavier than the mats on their delicate backs, which is very worrying and harmful to their health and development.

Health experts agree that carrying too much weight can affect children's development. How much weight can children carry or should they be allowed to carry on their backs?

Children of more or less all schools in the entire country are facing this painful situation. They said that in different hospitals of the city, some parents have brought their children who have complained of bending in the back because the children who wake up early in the morning carry heavy bags from home to school weighing from 15 Up to 20 kg.

Some schools have also taken good steps in this matter in which books are ordered daily which consists of 5 days a week.

Therefore, there is a need for the relevant institutions and authorities to make effective legislation in this regard because the physical health of children should be the priority.


Heavy bags not only affect children's bodies but also have a bad effect on their minds and growth is also stunted, which also affects education.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Coffee and Tea Risks in Kids.

Coffee and Tea Risks in Kids

The habit of drinking too much tea, whether it is in children or adults, is harmful for both, many mothers feed their children chai paratha to reduce their appetite or with food, which is not a proper practice.

Nutritionists said that tea has both benefits and harms, the benefits are less and the harms are more than that. Because the use of caffeine is inappropriate.

An American study also revealed that children under the age of twelve should be kept away from tea because it contains caffeine.

They said that along with caffeine, tea also contains elements that prevent iron absorption in children.

They are deficient in iron which also leads to anemia, which has its problems and affects the development of the mind.

He said that tea is very dangerous for children's health, children's heart rate is naturally faster than adults and the caffeine in tea increases the heart rate which is not good for them.

He said that tea has a bad effect on teeth, heartbeat, brain, liver, kidneys, and stomach, so children should never be given tea.

Friday, December 29, 2023

Mobile Addiction in Kids.

Children with Mobile Addiction


Modern technology is becoming critical in various fields in recent times. Due to the rapid development of new inventions, the way the mobile phone came into our lives has affected society badly.

It is not only that the young generation is affected by the harms of mobile phones, but our future generation is also not spared because of the use of mobile phones among children, which is increasing instead of decreasing.

In this regard, American experts David Carpenter and Dr. Herberman have said in their research that the risk of cancer increases significantly in children who use mobile phones, in addition to the high use of smartphones, the mental health of children is also affected. 

According to some research reports on children's excessive time playing games, there is concern that children who play video games excessively may suffer from gaming disorder or gaming addiction.

What is Gaming Disorder?

According to the World Health Organization, gaming disorder is a mental illness, it refers to the influence of gaming, online or offline, on a child's behavior to such an extent that they cannot maintain a balance between playing games and other areas of life.

A sign of this is that the child cannot quit the games despite facing negative consequences and getting into trouble.

However, children's behavior needs to be closely watched, and in this regard, children's behavior and daily lives should be observed.

Cancer risk

According to research by the Royal Society of London, children who began using cell phones before the age of 20 had a five times higher chance of developing brain cancer by the time they were 29 years old than children who did not. did not grow up with a cell phone.

In the opinion of experts, violent games are more detrimental than workout games. Exercise and sports are vital for maintaining one's health, while most sedentary games—including video games—are thought to cause weight gain and other health problems.


Instructing parents, experts say that children should be kept away from it, however, children can use mobile phones in times of emergency or extreme need. Also, their physical exercise should be organized and encouraged so that children can be protected from physical laziness and obesity.

In addition, if children want to play these video games on mobile phones, in such a case, they should be allowed to play the installed games avoid using their existing phones, and, if necessary, turn off SIMS.

Lack Of Sleep In Kids.