Monday, April 22, 2024

Lack Of Sleep In Kids.

Good and complete sleep is very important not only for adults but also for children, if not careful, lack of sleep can be a precursor to any disease.

According to medical experts, newborn babies usually sleep for about 18 hours a day, but if the baby's sleep is disturbed or reduced, it not only affects his health but can cause worry and anxiety for parents. 

In this regard, Doctors informed us about the usefulness of children's sleep and also gave valuable advice to parents about it.

He said that parents should take into account that each child's ability to sleep is based on his age, such as for a newborn child, 18 to 20 deep sleeps are required daily for 6 months, and during this time 2 and a half to 3 hours. After that, he will wake up and go to sleep after drinking milk.

He said that it is also very important to make the children feel the difference between day and night through the light of the room and the house, some parents let the children hold mobile phones, the light of which affects their eyes. This is because children have a hard time distinguishing between day and night.

Doctors said that some people also say that the child is given some medicine or a trick while sleeping, but the parents do not use any medicine for sleep to protect the child from any kind of complications.


Monday, April 8, 2024

Weak Eyesight In Kids.

Improve Weak Eyesight In Kids

If you want your children's weak eyesight to improve and not have to deal with any problems in school, you can also use this tried and tested recipe.

Low vision disease is common among school children which not only causes them to face problems while studying but poor vision also hinders their learning process.

Pediatricians say that eating more vegetables can be beneficial, especially carrots, which can help prevent vision problems.

Doctors said that there is a quick home remedy for this disease, these four items are easily available in your kitchen and can be used as per the prescribed method to cure the weakness of eyesight.

The four ingredients of almonds, fennel, Dakhni or white pepper, and misri should be mixed in equal weight to prepare soof and one teaspoon should be used at night without using water for at least half an hour. Weakness can be overcome.

It should be noted that earlier this disease was found in children of the age of 12 to 16 years, but nowadays the use of mobile phones including electronic gadgets has greatly increased the problems of weak eyesight, now even children of 6 years are suffering from this disease. are looking

Whether it's a genetic problem or it's caused by excessive use of mobiles and screens in children, if your children are suffering from vision problems, try these prescriptions recommended by doctors.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Diet for Overweight Kids.

Diet For Overweight Kids

Our observation often reveals that some children become obese at a very young age, the major causes of which include genetic factors, lack of physical activity or unhealthy food, and overeating.

In this regard, pediatricians said that weight gain in children can also be due to medical factors such as hormonal problems, but this is very rare. 

He said that the children who all the members of the house are overweight are more likely to gain weight, but the daily eating and living habits of the child also play an important role in this.

Eating high-calorie foods like fast food, baked goods, snacks, etc. regularly can also make your baby gain weight, the pediatrician said. Apart from this, candies, chocolates, and sugary drinks are also considered to be a major cause of weight gain.

He said that starving obese children for too long to reduce obesity is a very harmful practice. For this, make a diet plan for the child with the doctor's advice.

Doctors said that some medical tests can guide you in this matter, in which it is also necessary to get children's hormones tested, besides, such children may also develop thyroid problems, so parents should Never take obesity for granted.

Lack Of Sleep In Kids.